New hire enrollment, populate W-4s and I-9s, and upload Company Handbooks - All in one step!
Now Supporting Qualifying Life Events!!
Open enrollment may be closed, but the support for your client doesn't stop there. The EasyAppsOnline HR Portal will accommodate new hire benefit enrollment throughout the year, all in one easy-to-use tool, and without any additional cost to you or your client.
Accommodate new hires throughout the year with self-populating W-4s and I-9s, and deliver customized company handbooks to your client's new employees.
Once a new hire logs in, selecting their benefits is as easy as clicking “Apply for Benefits”. They will be presented with benefit options to choose from, then will review terms and digitally sign their application.
Once the new hire benefit selection process is completed and signed, the HR Manager and Broker will both receive a notification. With one click, the employer can submit the applications to all the applicable carriers, or you can handle the submissions for your client.